Associate Faculty Information
Instructional Policies and Procedures
If you are unable to attend class for any reason, please call your Division office ( as soon as possible so that a notice can be posted on your classroom door. If you leave a message on voice mail, please leave the full name of your class, the classroom room number, and the time it meets. As a courtesy to your students, please announce your absence on your voice mail or Canvas announcements page. You are allowed two sick days per semester.
Access the Academic Calendar online here:
- Go to:
- Log in (first-last name and password).
- Select term, class section, and date.
- Click the 'Display Roster' button.
- The class section's start and end times will automatically populate.
- Under the column labeled "Post," check the box to indicate if student attended.
- If a student attends a partial class, manually adjust the "Time In" and "Time Out" columns to accurately reflect the student's attendance.
- Click to the "Post Hours" button to submit the attendance.
- Do not use the "back" button on your browser; use the drop down menu to move between sections and the dates to change attendance dates.
- In the event of an attendance reporting error or if a student is missing from the class roster, email to resolve.
- Attendance is to be reported within seven days of the class.
Questions? Call 707-476-4527.
- Go to:
- Click "Reports"
- Click "Submit & Edit Reports"
- Type in your full email credentials
- Click "Create a new assessment"
- Select a term, an area ("Course"), and a method of instruction.
Full-time and Associate Faculty Scheduling Process You will need to click on the link below and complete the form no later than the end of week 2 of the Spring semester at 5:00 p.m. This form, available electronically and is designed to provide a mechanism by which the District can be advised of the future availability of associate faculty on an annual basis and, also, the courses associate faculty prefer to teach. you will need to log in using your College of the Redwoods email log in credentials. If you have problems with the link or the electronic evaluation form contact Tom Cossey at If you have other concerns regarding this form, please contact your Dean or Director.
Timeline Schedule – Don't miss your dates
- By the end of week 2 of spring, the online link (above) will be sent to all AF
- At the end of week 4, a reminder email will be sent to all AF reminding them to fill out the form
- The form is due at the end of week 5 (if it's not done, "the deans, directors and CIO will be at liberty to fill staffing vacancies using another instructor.")
- Around the end of the 9th week of spring, deans/directors will send "assignment offers" to AF (AF have 7 business days to respond, or the clause at the end of #3 above kicks in).
In the event that an associate faculty member fails to respond to the assignment proposed, the Dean, Director or Vice President may assign all or part of the load to another associate faculty member. It is important to clarify that associate faculty assignments will be determined by the Office of Instruction using information provided on the associate faculty availability form and the following criteria, which are also listed in the CRFO contract:
- Consistent pattern of satisfactory evaluations
- Ranking on the appropriate seniority list
- Relevant expertise, specialization and /or recognized accomplishments
- Maintaining a qualified, diverse pool of associate faculty
- Consistent adherence to district policies and procedures
If an associate faculty member has a class that is cancelled, the cancellation will not give that associate faculty member a right to automatically 'bump' an already assigned class from a less senior associate faculty member. However, reasonable effort will be made to provide a class for the associate faculty member depending upon the needs of the District. Faculty hiring, staffing of sections, determining Minimum Qualifications and overall section scheduling will be under the administrative purview of Faculty Qualifications Committee. These Deans and Directors are responsible for district-wide coordination and they do that through consultation with Campus and Site managers and the DE Director. This provides a consistent structure for the academic mission whether the class is face-to-face, hybrid, or distance. If you have problems with the link or the electronic evaluation form contact Tom Cossey at If you have other concerns regarding this form, please contact your Dean or Director.
The DE Department has developed an online wait-list form and process that allows online instructors to add students from their wait-lists to their class rosters prior to the first day of the term. This process ensures that online students have the same timely access to the information and resources needed to be successful in an online course as their counterparts in face-to-face courses. Recently the Distance Education Planning Committee (DEPC) worked with registration to streamline and further clarify the online wait-list process for instructors. If you would like to participate in this process click on this link: . For more information about this process access the CR Online Wait-list Page.
The current CBA, covering wages and working conditions, is available at:
Find details for Commencement online here: For questions about the Canvas system, please contact Reno Giovannetti (
- Make sure that you have signed a contract prior to the beginning of your course(s)
- - Contact Jose Serrano in the Human Resources Office (in the Administration Building) for information regarding your contract at: or 707 476-4342
CR offers instructors a number of helpful technology tools such as SoftChalk Cloud for constructing multi-page, multi-media (if desired) lesson or assignment content embedded in Canvas, or OER materials that students can access outside of Canvas via a free reader. Another feature of SoftChalk is that quizzes or other types of assessments can be embedded in lesson content that feeds into the Canvas grade book automatically. CR also has a limited number of Camtasia licenses available for video production and screen casting. See the Faculty Canvas Resources page ( for more information or contact Reno Giovannetti 476-4568 or for license key information. In addition there are two laptops loaded with software, and microphones that instructors can check out from the library.
Canvas has been adopted as College of the Redwoods Learning Management System. Keep Teaching has a Faculty Resources [] page, that provides links to valuable tools and videos for distance ed, distance ed contacts, and Canvas Resources and Training Schedule.
Education Master Plan Document
You are on an evaluation cycle. Check with your AOA to see whether you are scheduled to be evaluated this semester (
To access your CR email:
Senate has approved Faculty Development Guidelines, they are specified on the application. Funding is primarily used for faculty to attend conferences and workshops to directly address classroom instruction or enhance abilities as an educator or to promote Program Learning Outcomes. Funding is not for additional certifications necessary for the workforce, license renewal, administrative duties, or education that would move an employee up the pay scale or for conditions of employment. Please contact the Faculty Development Committee Chair or Administrative Support with questions. See the Faculty Development Committee Membership page for membership details:
Finals schedules are available here:
Final grades are submitted electronically via Web Advisor. Typically, final grades are due the Tuesday following finals week. Please contact Tiffany Schmitcke 707-476-4200 or your Division administrative staff if you have any questions.
The purpose of the flexible calendar program is to provide time for faculty to participate in development activities that are related to "staff, student, and instructional improvement" (title 5, section 55720). The flexible calendar program is a component of the staff development program and the major vehicle for faculty participation in development activities. The flexible calendar program allows faculty (full-time, part-time, instructional and non-instructional) the time to work individually or with groups to achieve improvement in three distinct areas: staff improvement, student improvement, and instructional improvement. Access the online flex form submission portal here:
The Faculty Handbook can be ordered from Human Resources.
You can submit a help ticket request for; maintenance, printing services/marketing, event support, IR/Research and IT Support here:
You can get keys and key cards from your division office, contact your division AOA for information:
For information, contact Tina Wahlund
You can receive some compensation for holding office hours. In order to take advantage of this, you need to complete the office hours form at the beginning of the semester (by the end of the second week) and submit it to your division AOA ( You can receive payment for one office hour per week throughout the semester. Stephanie-Freyermuth ( in the Office of Instruction will send an email with the forms attached prior to the beginning of the semester, and you will be able to book a time in one of several office spaces around campus at that time (contact your division AOA to schedule your office space).
The Associate Faculty Office Space (FM 108) offers several computer workstations and a laser printer for faculty and associate faculty use. Computers are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The workroom also has a spacious table for general use, a photocopier, scanner and some office supplies. Please stop in Monday through Friday during open hours. You may also access these resources during evening or weekend hours by key code. Contact Jessica Frint at or 707-476-4259 to receive the key code.
You can obtain a parking pass, at no cost, from a link on this site:
The Printing Services Department is located on the Eureka campus in AT 130 (Applied Technology building). The department produces a variety of materials to support both classroom instruction and district operations. Examples of frequently requested items are anthologies, syllabi, instructional handouts and exercises, exams, brochures, flyers, posters, business cards, etc.
Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
A high-speed black and white printer and a full-color printer are available on the Eureka campus. You can submit a work request ticket using this link Hard copy requests are also accepted. A high-speed black and white scanner and color scanner are also available to scan and store large documents.
Contact Wendy Bates or 707-476-4140
Should you encounter any disciplinary, behavioral, conduct, ethical problems with students, please contact your division Dean (
The Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) provides prevention, intervention and resources for students in an effort to address student behavioral issues and promote academic success and safety through appropriate and timely responses: Trish Blair can be contacted if you have any questions regarding the BIT: or 707-476-4289. The Tip-line number is 707-476-4555.
For the Retention Alert Team contact Gary Ronne at or 707-476-4275.
By the end of the first week of the semester, you need to submit your syllabus, with the "syllabus template" to your division AOA ( The syllabus template can be found on the CR website on the Forms and Resources page under Office of Instruction:
Textbooks are ordered in October and April for Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall classes. Contact your Division administrative staff for further information. Associate faculty should consult with a full-time faculty member or the Division Chair to determine who should complete the textbook order for your class(es). Turn the order in to Division administrative assistant for forwarding to the Bookstore. Evaluation Copies: Instructors are responsible for ordering their own desk copies and can obtain them for free from the publisher. Contact the textbook publisher representative directly or order copies through the publisher's website.
Most associate faculty qualify for unemployment insurance benefits during breaks in employment, including summer and winter breaks. The following resources information and application instructions.
- EDD - File Claim Information -
- EDD - FAQ for School Employee Claims ¬-
- The Humboldt County Job Market -
- Part Time/ Adjunct Faculty Issues -
- Filing for Unemployment Workshop -
Associate Faculty Contact Sheet |
Support Item | Contact Information |
AF Contracts/Employment Agreement | Jose Serrano: or 707 476-4342 |
Office Hours | Stephanie Burres: or 707-476-4109 |
Evaluation Tracking | Tina Wahlund: or 707-476-4142 |
Flex | Jessica Frint or 707-476-4259 |
Leaves | Tina Wahlund: or 707-476-4142 |
Onboarding New Associate Facultty | Joselle Wagner: or 707-476-4143 and Division Associate Dean. |
Professional Development | Jose Serrano: or 707 476-4342 and Wendy Bates: or 707-476-4140 |
Salary Placement | Jose Serrano: or 707-476-4342 |
Setup Email and WebAdvisor Accounts |
Jose Serrano: or 707-476-4342 |
Step Increases | Jose Serrano: or 707 476-4342 |
Stipends | Tina Wahlund: or 707-476-4142 |